Trainee Solicitor

Olivia Beeton

Olivia Beeton, Lodders Solicitors, Trust Registration Service

Short bio:

I am a trainee solicitor.

I started working at Lodders in January 2022 as an administrator to assist with HMRC’s new Trust Registration Service before commencing my training contract.

Before working in the legal sector, I worked for six years in hospitality. The majority of that time was spent working in a small gin bar next to the Theatre Royal in Brighton. I’ve also climbed mountains in Zambia, Japan, USA and Norway, I was captain of my school’s rounders team and I managed to play basketball for three years despite being 5’2.

I also have an LLM in International Human Rights Law.

I’ve always been a morning person but if I was struggling to get out of bed, I am sure any sort of breakfast would convince me.

  • I am based in Stratford upon Avon

    Image description: Lodders trainee solicitors Olivia Beeton and Lizzie Curnock. Olivia and Lizzie are sitting on a lock next to a canal, with a narrow boat out of focus behind them.

    Building a career in law at Lodders

    Lizzie Curnock and Olivia Beeton share their experiences.

    Read more
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